Homework Strategy 2022


“Homework is not an optional extra, but an essential part of a good education”. 

At Chantry Middle School, we believe homework first and foremost, needs to be purposeful. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to consolidate learning, deepen understanding and give opportunities to practise and develop skills.  Homework is an integral part of education as it promotes students’ self-discipline and personal responsibility for learning and organisation. It is valuable in ensuring students’ progress and raising achievement. 


Homework enhances student learning, improves achievement, develops pupils’ study skills and develops independent learning, and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. 

Homework enables students to:  

  • consolidate and extend work covered in class or prepare for new learning activities;  
  • access resources not available in the classroom; 
  • develop research skills;  
  • have an opportunity for independent work;  
  • show progress and understanding;  
  • to enhance their study skills e.g. planning, time management and self discipline.  
  • to take ownership and responsibility for learning;  
  • engage parental cooperation and support.  

Support from home 

  • Shared parent/child reading – support given on ‘supporting your child’ reading. Help sheets provided with key questions to ask when reading and this information will be uploaded to the school website.
  • All homework tasks and support sheets to be posted on Google Classroom so they are available to parents and children.

Quantity and Frequency

CMS does not have a fixed homework timetable with time allocated for different subjects on different evenings. School and home will support pupils in managing their time so that they do some homework each evening. Each department will set meaningful homework when appropriate for that subject.  Pupils will be given at least 3 days to complete homework.


Key Stage 2
Frequency Average time per h/w
English Weekly:

Reading Plus 

Learning spelling rule

SPaG.com quiz 

Reading for pleasure

Tasks linked to scheme of learning

30 minutes per week5 minutes per day

10-20 minutes per week 

20 minutes per day


Maths Weekly retrieval practice via Sparx website 30 minutes per week
Science Pre-learning task (30 mins)

Knowledge retrieval task (30 mins)

Application tasks (60 mins)

At the start of every new topic

Optional (2-3 per topic)

Once per topic

All other subjects Additional Home Learning Tasks

Optional enrichment/creative tasks

Optional online tasks

Given at the start of each half term linked to the key components being taught. 
Key Stage 3
Frequency Average time per h/w
English Weekly: 

Reading Plus 


SPaG.com quiz  

Reading for pleasure

Tasks linked to scheme of learning

45 minutes per week5 minutes per day

10 minutes per week

20 minutes per day


Maths Weekly retrieval practice via Sparx website 1 hour per week
Science Pre-learning task (30 mins)

Knowledge retrieval task (30 mins)

Application tasks (60 mins)

At the start of every new topic

Optional (2-3 per topic)

Once per topic

History Y7 once every 4 weeks

Y8 once a fortnight 

Approximately 20 -30 minutes
Geography Y7 once a fortnight 

Y8 once every 4 weeks

Approximately 20 -30 minutes
RE Once every 4 weeks Approximately 20 -30 minutes
MFL French once per week

Spanish once per fortnight

20-30 minutes
Art Once a half term Approximately 20 -30 minutes
Music Once a half term 20-30 mins
Computing Once a half term Approximately 20 -30 minutes
Technology Once a half term for Textiles and Product Design

Organisation of ingredients for Food Technology lessons

Approximately 20 -30 minutes

Approximately 10 minutes each week

Additional Home Learning Tasks Optional enrichment/creative/online tasks that pupils are encouraged to complete at home

Types of homework 

Pupils are asked to:

  • practise using past knowledge to consolidate their understanding;
  • complete tasks using their knowledge;
  • read around subject content; 
  • listen to a podcast or watch a video/documentary;
  • complete a project;
  • carry out research;
  • revise for assessments;
  • complete optional subject specific enrichment tasks – these are not marked by the teacher


Method for setting homework 

All tasks (instructions and support sheets) will be uploaded to Google Classroom but not necessarily completed/handed in on Google Classroom. Paper copies can be available upon request. 


Subject specific websites 

These will be provided on the new school website subject pages. They will also be given on ‘supporting your child’ help sheets that will be sent out electronically and discussed at ‘supporting your child evening’.


Expectations for completion 

At Chantry we understand that completing homework can be challenging for some pupils.  If any of our students would like some support or even a quiet place to work with IT facilities available, our supervised homework club is the place to go. 

We expect that all students complete the homework set, either at home or in school with supervision.  Class teachers can support individuals with difficulties, no child should be left behind.



Teachers are expected to set homework which benefits the student. A vital part of this process is providing feedback in line with the school and departmental marking policies – whole class/self assessed/teacher marked (will be stated when setting the homework and used to feed into future teaching). On occasion, the return of work for more substantial pieces of homework may take longer especially where the feedback is more detailed.


Follow up for non-completion (rewards/sanctions) 

Rewards :

Students who complete outstanding work will be issued with praise points and subject postcards as well as being acknowledged as part of the celebration assemblies.



If a pupil fails to hand in homework on the due date they are issued with a C1 with a note in their planner and given the opportunity to hand it in the following day.

If they fail to hand it in the following day they are issued with a C2 . Their name is then added to a list for non-completion of homework and they must attend a compulsory homework club.

Failure to attend the homework club will result in a lunchtime detention.

Roles and responsibilities  

The role of the pupil: 

  1. To listen to homework instructions in class;
  2. To copy down instructions for the task and deadline date into the homework diary; 
  3. To ensure that homework is completed and handed in to meet the deadline; 
  4. To attempt all work and give their best; 
  5. To inform the class teacher of any difficulties before the deadline.


The role of the Class Teacher: 

The class teacher controls the direction of homework and the nature of tasks undertaken. The teacher will:


  1. Set homework in line with their department policy; 
  2. Provide the stimulus;
  3. Where revision homework is set, provide guidance on the activities to complete; 
  4. Give full and comprehensive instructions; 
  5. Set deadlines for completed work and ensure that they are met; 
  6. Provide help and support, if needed, before the deadline. 
  7. Update homework document for non-compliance. 
  8. To contact home where a pupil persistently fails to meet homework deadlines;


The role of the Parent/Carer:

The role of the parent/carer is crucial if a child is to gain success from homework. To reinforce its value through positive feedback will give students the confidence to persevere, work hard and reach high standards of achievement. Parents/carer can assist by: 


  1. Providing an appropriate place to work; 
  2. To share the responsibility with their child to ensure the successful and timely completion of homework;
  3. Checking presentation and quality of all homework being returned to school.

Updated  – September 2022