
An enterprise activity is currently taking place at Chantry Middle School. The only class taking part in it will be 7S, who are so lucky that they have this amazing opportunity!! The activity is hosted by two companies; The Key and Leading Link.

How it works:

The competition is structured as follows:

  1. Members of Leading Link come into school and teach students how to operate a business.
  2. The students design a product.
  3. After a number of weeks, students go to The Chantry and take part in a “Dragons’ Den,” where they have to show their product to selected “Dragons”
  4. The dragons will decide how much money to give each group of students – up to £125
  5. The students will get to sell their product at the Morpeth Fair.
  6. Depending on how well the sales go, students may get to sell their product at The Chantry.

How it was organised:

Mr Johnson made contact with The Key and asked Miss Mackenzie if she would like to let her next DLE class take part in the competition. She then had a meeting with members of Leading Link and The Key, as well as with a group of students in Newminster who had already taken part.

Alex, Year 7