I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the students in Year 6 for their excellent outcomes in this year’s KS2 SATS. They have excelled across the subjects and have done the school proud.
I would also like to thank all staff with their ongoing commitment and hard work in supporting the students with these results. I appreciate the ongoing support from across all aspects of the school in ensuring that our students have the best opportunity to succeed.
Thank you!
I have attached the results summary below compared to the previous 2 years and this year’s National averages. The progress scores are based upon last year’s progress model and will change when the new model is devised.
Bryan Stewart – Headteacher


In 2016, the new, more challenging, national curriculum was assessed for the first time with new tests and interim frameworks for teacher assessment. Results are now reported as proportions of students achieving the ‘expected’ standard and proportions of students reaching a ‘high level of attainment’ within the expected standard.

Students received a scaled score (80 – 120) with 100 being the score required to reach the expected standard. A score of 110 or more is required to achieve a ‘high level of attainment’ in the reading, maths and SPaG tests. The writing element is teacher assessed and externally moderated.

Below is a summary of the outcomes for the Year 6 cohort at Chantry in July 2019 and national averages, compared to 2017 & 2018

Chantry Result 2017 Chantry Result 2018 Chantry Result


National Average 2019
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in RWM 71% 57% 75% 65%
% of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in RWM 12% 14% 12%
% achieving the expected standard 81% 79% 82% 73%
% achieving a high level of attainment 36% 30% 22% 28%
Average scaled score (range from 80 – 120) 106 105 105 104
Average progress (typical range from -5 to +5) +0.8 -0.69 -1.72 0
% achieving the expected standard 83% 86% 87% 78%
% achieving a high level of attainment 19% 25% 23%
Average progress (typical range from -5 to +5) -1.2 +0.33 +0.17 0
% achieving the expected standard 81% 82% 80% 78%
% achieving a high level of attainment 29% 31% 32% 34%
Average scaled score (range from 80 – 120) 106 106 106 106
% achieving the expected standard 84% 69% 89% 79%
% achieving a high level of attainment 32% 22% 34% 24%
Average scaled score (range from 80 – 120) 106 104 107 105
Average progress (typical range from -5 to +5) +0.6 -1.04 +0.77 0