8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year.

1 Plastic bag stays in the sea for 20 years.

1 styrofoam cup stays in the sea for 50 years.

1 plastic bottle stays in the sea for 450 years.

Imagine what it’ll be like to be unable to live on this planet.

Because of pollution, especially microplastic pollution, that image in your head is becoming a reality.

We can stop this happening. Over 40 companies have signed up to a initiative to try cut plastic pollution.

We interviewed 5 members of staff and 1 class and here are our results:

Mr Arries, our caretaker said, ”plastic pollution is disgusting and devastating.”

A teacher at Chantry Middle said, ”I try to reduce the amount of plastic pollution as much as I can.”  

Mr Ord said, “ those statistics make me devastated.”

Mrs irving said, ”when I was in the Cape Verde Islands, plastic was everywhere.”

Mr Story said, ”I hate it, especially when beaches are covered in bottles.”

7Y said that they are 100% against pollution.

Pollution results in some upsetting statistics.  Over the last 50 years, the Flesh footed Shearwater population has dropped by 30% and plastic is a major cause of their decline. How does plastic kill? The bird swallows the microplastic because algae growing on discarded plastic releases a scent which hungry birds mistake for lunch. One island in the Tasman Sea is home to 30-40 thousand nesting birds, all of which are at risk.    

By Evan and Charlotte, Y7