Physical Education Statement of Intent for CMS

Our main aims are to promote: 

  • Enjoyment
  • Lifelong love of sport
  • Extra curricular opportunities
  • Competitive opportunities 
  • Foundation knowledge for potential GCSE + A-Level PE

We align ourselves with the National curriculum to ensure our pupils receive the appropriate PE breadth that all schools are required to offer.

We aim for every child to leave us having enjoyed one sport enough to do it as an extracurricular activity in school or outside of school.

Age Related Expectations

Throughout both key stages we teach in terms of Knowledge (understanding the sport) and Skill (replicating the practical skill within the sport).

At KS2 there is a greater emphasis on basic skills. These are then put into conditioned games to reinforce the learning and add pressure. Where possible we then move on to a small sided game of that sport and the skill is then tested under greater pressure. This is all done in ability groups for the majority of the time unless we feel other groupings may help learning in that instance.

At KS3 we offer the same sports but add depth to the learning through more complex skills and a greater consideration to tactics and strategy. We also offer certain sports which we consider to require more advanced coordination and skill.

PE Curriculum

This has been our yearly plan this year. Generally we are dictated to by the weather but we do like to run subjects alongside their season so pupils can access the sports in local clubs if they have enjoyed their experience in lessons.

The plan is reflected yearly and we may adapt due to trend or cohort.

In Year 5 we would expect students to have the ability to warm up with good effort. They will be able to replicate skills and take them into conditioned games. They will then look to try those skills with some success in small sided games.

In Year 6 we would look into the same sports but teach the skills which are more complex. The pupils should warm up with a good understanding of at least one reason why we warm up. Again they will be able to replicate skills and take them into conditioned games. They will then look to try those skills with some success in small sided games.

In Year 7 we would expect pupils to have a greater understanding of why we warm up being able to cite two reasons why we do so.

We would look at the same sports, but now begin to look at sports from a more tactical perspective, as well as learning some of the more complicated skills. We would also add some different sports to the curriculum at this stage as well as some changes, for example rugby would then involve contact in a practice situation before being optional in a game situation.

In Year 8 we expect a child to be able to say comprehensively why we would warm up. They would be performing complex skills and have an understanding of basic tactics which we would look to build on. 

They would be expected to begin understanding rules to the point of officiating at this stage.

We have our curriculum overview including our Key Components (longer term aims of the year within that topic) on this document.

PE Assessment

Pupils are assessed officially at the end of every topic. In these lessons they are put into their games and given greater time to play and perform the skills practised. For each topic they are then given a grade of Developing, Expected or Mastering.

Although this is the official assessment lesson pupils are continually assessed throughout a topic under the eye of the teacher. They will have understanding checked through questioning and feedback will be given, individually or as a group as necessary, in order that the pupils will have the greatest understanding of how to improve.

Around the subject we offer a huge amount of extra curricular opportunities. We try to run clubs alongside the topic so that students can have more access to something they may have enjoyed. Many clubs run at lunchtime to remove the barrier of transport. The club timetable is updated half termly.

We also have access to specialist coaches in numerous sports to enable a greater breadth of opportunities for students. The specialist coaching also means the best access to knowledge for those students who want to involve themselves further in a sport.

In PE at Chantry we observe the recommendations made through Safe Practice in Physical Education and School Sport AFPE.

PE equipment is checked annually and replaced/repaired where necessary.

Websites to support PE Learning and knowledge

Websites we would encourage pupils to look at would be:

  • BBC Sport – A website providing the most up to date sport action, comment and news.
  • YouTube – YouTube can be used to access videos of professionals performing the sports we cover in PE. It is also a great place to see skill breakdown videos for skills you find difficult or forget how to perform.
  • Rules – This website provides rules for many different sports that we cover.
  • Sport England – The latest guidance and discussions regarding sport in England
  • Careers in sport – This lets you search through careers in sport as well as looking at Universities which offer courses in sport. A great website for anyone interested in a career in sport.
  • Association for Physical Education – This website provides the most up to date information regarding the subject of Physical Education. You can look up the latest issues and information here.
  • School Games – This shows you the latest info regarding School Games provision and events that have been run locally and nationally.


How can you help as a parent/carer?

  • Please follow the school PE kit policy and have kit named. All kit decisions are made with health and safety in mind
  • We encourage parents to follow our PE twitter account @ChantryPhysEd. Through this form of social media we celebrate learning, success, failure, events and all things PE. We also use it to deliver messages.
  • We encourage pupils who are on Instagram to fo llow our account ChantrymiddleschoolPE. This again celebrates success in lessons and in extracurricular activity. We deliver messages to students through this medium as we find it is the most accessed.
  • We use Google Classroom as a way of providing reading links around current topics. We may put links to videos etc which reinforce what we have learned. We also post videos from lessons and pose questions to students linked to assessment to provoke thought around what has happened. This is a further form of feedback they can learn from.
  • Our knowledge organisers are linked below by year group. These provide reinforcement of the topic and ask questions that we would expect a child to answer. They are a great tool to look at while travelling through a topic.
  • Year 5 
  • Year 6
  • Year 7
  • Year 8

Outside of school when asked how parents and carers can help further we would just say promote exercise and healthy lifestyle. Any opportunity to let your child access sport is hugely beneficial. If possible take advantage of local sports clubs where pupils want to be more competitive with sport.

Tell them about the sport or exercise you did/do and if they can be involved that would be great. We offer parent/carer and pupil sports evenings where you can come and play alongside them to see what they do.

If you cook/shop then involve them and guide them through the importance of a healthy lifestyle alongside a balanced diet.

Reinforce the link between a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and avoidance of health problems as you get older.

One really important part of PE is the naming of the kit. You can have any PE item initialed by Emblematic for only £1. This is well worth it as it means we can get that top straight back to you. If not this then please use a permanent ink to name it clearly. Without this the chance of lost kit increases hugely.