New school motto
Prior to Christmas, Chantry Middle School set a challenge to all of it’s students in a quest to find a school motto. Students took part in a quiz during assemblies to identify key mottos / slogans for companies and services from around the world. The majority of students could identify at least one motto / slogan with a brand yet when we discussed Chantry Middle School, students drew a blank.
Therefore, the challenge was set – any student could enter to come up with their own motto for Chantry Middle School which relates to everyday life at the school.
We received over 200 entries but there could only be one winner.
We are pleased to announce the winner is I Ellerbrook in Year 8. Her motto is shown below on our newly designed badge.
A simple but meaningful motto, which I am sure you will agree with, is what Chantry Middle School should have as a goal for all of it’s young people who pass through it’s doors every day.
We look forward to using our motto on our school’s branding and also to remind all members of Chantry Middle School’s community that we are here to inspire and believe in the students of the school, whilst striving for achievement in all aspects of life, to enable them to become accomplished students.
Please note: We will not be updating the badges on school uniforms as we understand the cost implications.