Evidence from experts in the US have explained that social media site Instagram is partly responsible for increasing debt worldwide.

Debt is caused when money is owed to a business, like a bank. People in the US and UK are now in debt because they are spending more than they are saving. Researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research say that social media apps are causing a, “increasing observation of consumption.” This means that people are posting about their holidays, cars and clothes and others are spending more money to look good.

Many people are worried about social media and how many followers/likes they get. I interviewed people from my school and see what they thought about likes:

“If I don’t get 20 likes in one week I take my post down.”

“I don’t really care. I use Instagram to find out what my friends have been up to and show them what I’ve been doing. I also use it to follow celebrities and clothing brands I like.”

Just remember don’t get yourself worried about likes and followers because in the big picture it doesn’t matter.

By Katie, Year 7