For this year’s Children in Need we are going to attempt to make and decorate a giant cake which will take the shape of a patchwork quilt – what a spectacle!
Each form class will design, plan and decorate a 12 inch square cake on the theme of friendship, care, Children in Need and charity.
On the Friday morning of Children in Need all students, in form classes, will decorate a class cake to match their design. The cakes will then be taken to Chantry Hall where they will be displayed as one giant cake. Students will be given time to admire their work as a whole before sampling later in the day.
The ingredients for the cakes, icing (not decoration) and boards will be provided by the school. However, to allow students to be as creative as possible, we will ask students to volunteer to bring a small amount of the decorations required, as directed by their form teacher.
There will be no charge for the cake as we are also having a Pudsey themed non-uniform day to raise money for the charity with a voluntary £1 donation. The choir will also be doing a sponsored sing in the hope we can raise some additional funds for this fantastic charity!