Today we visited Chantry Middle’s music teacher, Mr Todd, who is currently standing in for Mrs Wilson. We asked for his opinion on the extra curriculum ensembles. Our ensembles include Percussion band, Jazz band, Ceilidh band, Choir and various paid ensembles, such as Steel Pans. Steel Pans originate from Trinidad and Tobago, they are traditionally made from old oil drums. In Jazz band, they play instruments such as the saxophone, clarinet, drums etc. In Ceilidh band they play Northumbrian pipes, penny whistles, keyboards and more. Percussion band play drums and the choir sing songs. We asked some students about their ensembles…
First we interviewed Izzy about her time in Jazz band:
Do you take part in any musical ensembles?
I take part in the Jazz band and I play the clarinet.
Do you enjoy it?
Yes, I do enjoy it.
Does the band influence you outside of school?
We haven’t had a concert yet, but we have an upcoming event in April.
If you could join any other ensemble group, what would you join and why?
Probably the choir if I had Mondays free.
Sophie then interviewed fellow Steel Pan players, Gabrielle and Emily:
Do you enjoy your ensemble opportunities?
Yes we both enjoy Steel Pans.
Do your lessons influence you outside of school?
We take part in Wansbeck every year, it’s a local competition we compete in.
Would you consider taking part in any other music groups?
Next we interviewed Katie and Eva in the choir:
Do rehearsals affect your home life?
Eva – Yes because in School of Rock Katie’s a dancer and I am Summer, so I have to learn my lines and she has to practice the dance outside of school.
Finally, would you join/ rejoin any other ensembles?
Eva – I would rejoin Jazz band because I used to play the cornet but I quit.
Katie – I would rejoin Percussion band because at the time I had an ear infection and it was really loud in there, but it was really fun.
By Eva and Sophie, Year 7