Chantry student council were pleased to be invited to take part in a local democracy event at County Hall during Local Democracy week, which ran from 14th-18th October 2019.

This year, all 34 Student council members were able to attend a specially prepared workshop for schools in the local area. The students had an exciting day exploring the council chambers and sat alongside a panel of local councillors, which included ex Chantry pupil and Deputy Mayor David Bawn, John Beyon, David Towns, Richard Wearmouth, Nic Nesbitt, Jack Gebhard and Andrew Tebutt.

The morning’s presentation gave the children an excellent insight into what democracy looks like and how we live within democratic society. They learned about why it is important to vote and for young people to be involved and have a say.

In the afternoon session, students took part in Q&A time with the councillors.They asked many interesting questions about any developments for Morpeth town centre including the new leisure centre development which is expected to be completed by 2022 and plans for Morpeth park – which will see the redevelopment of the bowling green, the installation of a cafe within the park and even outdoor movie screen.

Children were very keen to know how Northumberland County Council were involved in tackling climate change. The councillors happily reported they are leading the way with their refurbishment at County Hall being one of the first in the country to use a solar panelled car park to power not only the building but electric cars as well.