Students at Chantry Middle School have have had an eventful day reporting events in school and around the world!

Around 30 students from our school have participated in the annual BBC Young Reporter Day. The first thing we did was learn about what we can and can’t report and about copyright. We were told to get stories from reliable websites because some articles we might come across could be fake news. Then, we divided up the stories inside school and were told when we could interview the teachers. Some children had already brought in world-wide news stories so they got started on them whilst others looked for reliable news.

We asked other pupils, “What have you liked about the day?”

Ruby said, “All of it. I’m normally nervous talking in front of other people but I enjoyed the interviewing.”

“I loved the freedom of writing about what you feel strongly about.” said Evan.

Lottie said, “I liked writing about things that are going on in the world.”

“I enjoyed learning what it was like being a reporter and knowing what we can report about and what needs to be kept private,” said Emily.

Amy said, “It was fun working with friends and letting creative juice flow.”

The stories that were written about were a wide range of topics, from Emojis in court to Shark DNA curing cancer. Maddy and Freya wrote about Pancake day and Eva wrote about cats copying their owners! There was a huge variety of stories written and nearly 50 reports were sent in by our hard-working reporters.

We asked some of the students, “Why did you choose to do that story?”

Eva said, “I wrote about a new Barbie coming out which has prosthetic limbs. I wanted to report on this because it shows that toy companies are starting to open their eyes.”

“I wanted to report on Microplastic Problems because it’s affecting every corner of the earth.” said Sophie.

“We wrote about animal testing because we feel very strongly/deeply about this problem.” explained Mary and Alexandra.

Emily said, “I have written about a London Bridge scandal which scammed lots of people. I wanted to report on this because I want more people to be aware of the danger.”

Everyone I spoke to had a really fun day packed with activities and said they would definitely recommend it to others.

To read our reports and watch our green screen videos, click here:

By Katie, Y7