International Women’s Day is a day all around the world in honour of all the suffragettes who died just for women’s rights; it is celebrated on 8th March. The day celebrates extraordinary women from around the world. One famous suffragette, Emily Wilding Davison, died aged 41 in 1913 from trying to pin a vote for women badge onto the King’s racing horse.  We interviewed Miss Piper to find out more:

How are you getting students involved with international women’s day this year?

We are planning to decorate the school with posters banners messages about women.We want to raise awareness about women’s equality.

Why is International Women’s Day important to you?

It’s just really important to celebrate strong women and have more female role-models.

What do you think might happen in the future for women’s days?

I think that women’s rights will continuously grow more. I think that in the future women will be seen more as equals.

If all the women were equal to men do you think there should still be an International Women’s Day and why?

That’s a good question. Even if we are just as equal as men we still need to celebrate both genders.

If women never got the vote and suffragettes still existed would you be one?


What would you say to children who are interested in women’s rights?

I would tell them to get involved and speak with passion and pride.

And finally, what’s your overall opinion on International Women’s Day?”

I feel really positive. Works of important people should be known to us. I think there will be an era of change for women.

By Jason and April, Year 7